Forest set up "love stations" to guarantee the smooth functioning of clients For "Double 11" escort

November 16, 2023

During the "Double 11" period, Forest set up "love stations" in various parks, distributing instant noodles and beverages, and conducted fire safety drills. Additionally, we collaborated with a tenant to organize a "Double 11 Mobilization" in the Shanghai Fengxian Logistics Park. We actively practice corporate social responsibility and promote warmth and safety through practical initiatives. The responses from our customers ware positive, with a customer expressed gratitude highlighting Forest's services as a comforting assurance for efficient operations.



A fire safety drill was conducted at Forest Nanning Airport Logistics Park, enhancing employees' emergency response capabilities and instilling a greater sense of security for customers. Acknowledging the paramount importance of fire safety, Forest adheres to the principal of "Safety First" and routinely conducts drills to enhance employees' awareness and self-protection skills. During the drill, staff adeptly managed a simulated fire scenario, swiftly extinguishing the flames and executing an orderly evacuation.

The Line between Disorder and Order Lies in Logistics